This video takes its viewer on a ride
through the eyes of our protagonist, a humble and exhausted student by the name
of Rich. The director, Rich Cornall, has created a masterpiece wherein the audience
is captivated through a manipulation of space and time. In this modern interpretation
of everyone’s favorite meal time, one struggles to distinguish dreams from
reality; it is a journey that truly provokes existential quandary, the likes of which we have never seen before and will likely never see again.
Click here for the full video.
“Rivetting…An instant classic”
Rich Cornall
“It's an undeniable pleasure…”
Peter Travers (Rolling Stone)*
*in a review for “The Imitation Game.”
Nice job, Rich. I know that this is largely tongue-and-cheek--but it did make me laugh. I like how you highlight how many choices there are for cereal (it would have been funny to play that up even more...cereal bar options...danishes...donuts...:). And I like how the final scene suggests that maybe, you made that whole trip in your bathrobe. (Just don't drive while filming!) Nice job.